Shawati’ Magazine
Shawati’ magazine is the official, independent-voiced culture and arts bi-lingual quarterly publication published under the patronage of the government of Abu Dhabi and the Cultural Programs and Heritage Festivals Committee.
Over ten years since Shawati’s inception in 2007, we are more committed than ever to maintain our presence as a prominent voice in the Capital of Abu Dhabi. We adopted a phrase back in 2012 that best defines our vision and mission: globalizing the local, localizing the global. These words resonate to the core of our essence; to preserve our ‘local heritage’ while embracing the ideals of global mindedness; thus creating an authentic Emirate set amid a modern world
The word ‘Shawati’ translates to ‘shores’, which also loosely echoes around the idea of extending beyond a limit or border. Essentially, we strive to balance and embody two languages - Arabic & English - a multitude of cultures, as well as a distinctive array of stories and voices - nestled within our pages. We strive to make each issue special and unique, to offer a fresh perspective on what’s happening in our homeland and abroad. It’s our desire to always outdo ourselves, for each issue to surpass the last. With that in mind, we treat each issue as though it were the last. This thought forces us to constantly challenge ourselves, to push creative and editorial boundaries.
Throughout the last ten years, Shawati’ was a podium to a generation of innovative leaders, thinkers and visionaries. These people, and their farsighted initiatives have helped shape the world we live in today. Locally and globally, our aim has always been to share the best of Abu Dhabi, and the UAE, with the rest of the world.